Michelle Gorham

Water Stewardship and Education Coordinator

Michelle Gorham is the Water Stewardship Education Coordinator at Eco Centro in which she develops curriculum and outreach to empower the general public regarding sustainable, regenerative local landscape practices as well as overseeing the expansion and interpretation of display gardens on Eco Centro grounds. Her upbringing on the edge of the Adirondack Park, formal education and multifaceted horticultural work experience culminate into over 25 years of industry and non-profit knowledge.

Before her role at Eco Centro, Michelle ran a successful garden design business, Wallflower Farm and Garden, to assist homeowners by crafting productive, sustainable, biodiverse, interactive gardens with thoughtful integrity and a knowledge of locally appropriate practices. In years prior, she held positions in the nursery and landscaping industry, urban food production and with local non-profit organizations to encourage community-based horticulture projects such as community gardens, food forests, and school rain gardens and habitat. Her formal educational experiences have supported her life’s work. She has an A.A. from Adirondack Community College, a B.S. in Landscape Horticulture from Colorado State University and an M.Ed. from Texas State University, is a Class 32 Alamo Area Master Naturalist and Native Landscape Certifications I and II from San Antonio Chapter of Native Plant Society.